Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Orientation Meeting #2 - This Sunday!

There really IS less than one month to go before Spring OFFICIALLY arrives.  Let's hope that it literally arrives as well!

Orientation Meeting #2 is upon us and we hope that all of you can make it to Fitchburg Public Library.  Once again, we will meet as a group for the first part of the meeting, discussing important information for our adventure, including clothing expectations, online academic requirements, fundraising opportunities and all of that VERY important paperwork that we need to collect!  Please keep an eye on this blog for updates about the meeting as well as other important information for our group.  Remember that this will be the place to visit for communications which you can refer back to instead of digging through your Inbox.  

Information will also continue to be posted to our Facebook group page, if you are a member.  The students and families from California will also be joining this Facebook group, so please be sure to make some new friends!

Orientation Meeting #2:

5530 Lacy Road
Fitchburg, WI

Start time:  12:00 noon
End time:  Approximately 3:00 pm

* We do have a committee of parents to assist with setup and cleanup of the tables and chairs for our meetings.  They may be in contact with you to request your assistance.  If you are able to help, please send me a note at charles.sackett@gmail.com and I'll let you know.  (Setup time = 11:15 to 11:30 am)

Important items to bring (if you have not already done so):

Health Form copies (2)
Success Contract (in your Student Protocol booklet)
Extra passport photos (2 photos that are the same)
Passport copies (4)
Completed Civics Assignment worksheet (first page only)
Completed Project Fair presentation proposal
Your questions - as always

If you have not already, please do the following ASAP:

Enter passport information (OnBoard)
Enter shirt size (OnBoard)
Submit Health Form (OnBoard)

- Delegates, our parent committee for our Community Service Project will be meeting with you briefly to discuss their ideas for a service project at meeting #3.  If you have some great ideas, please bring them with you.


Greater Midwest Fundraising - 2nd Opportunity!

In November, Tim Shiels from Greater Midwest Fundraising met with some of you prior to the bowling social event.  I've had a few inquiries about doing a 2nd fundraiser with Tim's group and I've asked if he can send us materials to do a second round of fundraising.  Please drop me a note at charles.sackett@gmail.com as soon as you can if you are interested in taking part in this fundraiser so that I can make sure to have enough materials for you.


Web site:  http://www.gmfundraise.com/

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Fundraising Opportunities

Carolyn and I had discussed a few fundraising opportunities at meeting #1.  Here are links for you to check out these resources for further information.

If anyone has ideas, or a desire to organize a group fundraising effort, please feel free to send us the information and I can post it on the blog or e-mail the entire group.




Pay Your Way Winter Fundraising Ideas:





Qdoba restaurants - Fundraising Nights


Orientation Meeting #1 - Wrap-up and video links

Orientation Meeting #1
Thank you to all of you who were able to attend Orientation Meeting #1.  We hope that you had a lot of questions answered and began to make some new friends.  I am posting links to the two videos that we watched at the meeting, as well as a video regarding the Health Form for those of you who have not yet completed it. I will be adding a few more things as I begin to evolve this year's version of the travel blog.  Please be sure to check back here often as a source for important information regarding our group.  And, as always, please let us know if you have questions or feedback.
Health Form

Orientation Meeting #2 will be held on Sunday, March 2nd at the Fitchburg Public Library, beginning at 12:00.  If you are unable to make this meeting, please be sure to let us know as soon as you can.  I will update this post, or create another, with reminders for items due at Meeting #2.  Please sign-up to follow this blog so that you will receive e-mail notifications when the blog is updated.

OnBoard Tutorial