Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Orientation Meeting #1 - Wrap-up and video links

Orientation Meeting #1
Thank you to all of you who were able to attend Orientation Meeting #1.  We hope that you had a lot of questions answered and began to make some new friends.  I am posting links to the two videos that we watched at the meeting, as well as a video regarding the Health Form for those of you who have not yet completed it. I will be adding a few more things as I begin to evolve this year's version of the travel blog.  Please be sure to check back here often as a source for important information regarding our group.  And, as always, please let us know if you have questions or feedback.
Health Form

Orientation Meeting #2 will be held on Sunday, March 2nd at the Fitchburg Public Library, beginning at 12:00.  If you are unable to make this meeting, please be sure to let us know as soon as you can.  I will update this post, or create another, with reminders for items due at Meeting #2.  Please sign-up to follow this blog so that you will receive e-mail notifications when the blog is updated.

OnBoard Tutorial

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