Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Quiz Report, Sunday Meeting, Community Service. . .

Only 81 days to go!!!

It's a busy time of the year, as we wind down toward our summer adventure.  Please be sure to read the e-mail that we sent out tonight with reminders about our meeting on Sunday.  Particularly, make sure that you are going to the correct location. . .mentioned below in a previous posting.  (Cardinal Heights Upper Middle School in Sun Prairie)

The latest Delegate Quiz Report shows that we have:

SIX students who have completed all six of their online quizzes.  (Thank you Amber, Philip, Kayla, Amara, Erin and Ethan!)

Five others have taken a few of the quizzes, but not quite all of them yet, and everyone else has not started.  Please get a start as soon as possible and refer to the previous post with information from Erin to help guide you toward the quizzes.  Let us know if you have questions!

Be sure to bring $10 to help defray the cost of materials for our tie-blanket project on Sunday.  Also, bring all sharp scissors or other cutting tools to help cut the fleece to proper sizes.

We will be collecting new or gently-used books for all ages, to donate to a local book drive.  Further information on both projects is in a previous posting.

See you Sunday!

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