Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 3 Agenda - Zaragoza, Spain - July 1 , 2014

Agenda for today: P2P Day 3: Zaragoza, Spain Take part in a Social Service Project. It will give students the opportunity to interact with people with disabilities doing sports. The delegates will see how the different rules and materials are used; have been adapted to allow them to enjoy sport. Enjoy your stay at a real European farm. Here you can experience the unique traditional way of life in the countryside. Take part in different activities like making cheese, candles, or fresh yogurt.

Mediterranean Traditions Itinerary

If any of you are lacking the itinerary for Mediterranean Traditions, you can download, or view by clicking here.

Hello from beautiful Madrid!

We arrived safe and sound, met by our super delegation manager, Karin. After lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe, we are enjoying a tour of the Museo del Prado. We still have a city tour of Madrid before we can (finally) check into our hotel. Are we tired? To say the least! Pictures tonight!

Lunch in Madrid!

Visiting the Hard Rock Cafe in Madrid. Delegates had some free time to explore the Independence Park. After lunch, we are heading to a museum. Our delegation manager is Karin, and she is taking excellent care of us! The blended delegations are getting along well. More to come.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Leaving for Madrid

We are on board and ready for takeoff! First count-offs in Atlanta! We are now a blended delegation. Taking off a little later than scheduled, so we may be delayed getting to Madrid.

Atlanta airport

Here we are in Atlanta waiting to board the airplane. We met the delegates snd leaders from CA. Hasta pronto familias!

June 29, 1:36pm

We've landed in Atlanta!
Waiting at gate 8, Dane Co airport!

Here we go!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Final Preparations!

Are you ready?  Any questions?  Don't forget the TSA 3-1-1 requirements when packing your carry-on bag!  

Please see this handy PDF file if you have questions.

Want to follow the flights?  You can do so with FlightAware or Flightwise online tracking.  FlightAware has a smartphone app also, and Flightwise uses 3D tracking if you have Google Earth on your computer.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Using the language. . .

When traveling, particularly in countries where English is not the predominant language, it's always fun (and polite) to do your best to attempt to use the language of the host nation. Please, never assume that everyone understands English. Speak slowly, ask if each person understands English and greet people in their own language whenever possible. Many students in your delegation have studied French, Italian or Spanish, so learn some words and phrases from them that you can use when traveling these next few weeks. Saying "hello", "goodbye", "good morning". . .and especially "please" or "thank you" in Spanish, French or Italian will certainly be appreciated by the people you encounter.

Several years ago, I created "language cards" for students in a delegation before we traveled to France and Italy.  I printed them out on business cards (8 1/2" x 11" form sheets that you can purchase at Target, Walmart, Office Max, etc.) and students carried these cards with them, learned and used the words and phrases when they could. I didn't get around to printing them out this year, but thought I would share in case any of you wish to print out your own.  Please download from this link to my Dropbox.  If you have any difficulties and need me to send you the file, just let me know.

Molte grazie!  Merci beaucoup!


Monday in Madrid!

The countdown is winding down! In about 72 hours I'll see you at the airport! It is possible that we might have a chance to change clothes when we land in Madrid.Maybe that extra set of clothes in your backpack should include a pair of shorts and a cool shirt. The forecast high for Madrid on Monday is 86! Oh, and did we remind you to pack an umbrella or rain jacket? Just in case.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Thank you, Straubhaars!

Thank you, Straubhaar family, for hosting our Bon Voyage picnic yesterday! What a beautiful location, great food and lots of excitement in the air. See you at the airport!

Directions for the Bon Voyage Picnic

From Madison:

  • Take Hwy 18 - 151 south to the Dodgeville exit
  • After the Iowa County sign, take the first left (East Brigham Road)
  • Bon Voyage is at the first house!

Delegates, do not forget to bring your packed suitcase for an activity that we'll be doing!

Lisa (608) 575-9625

Emily (608) 516-8535

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Important Reminder about the Bon Voyage party

Hi Madison Students AND Parents:

I just wanted to give you a friendly reminder to bring EVERYTHING you need to hand in to the picnic on Sunday. I won't be able to accept anything at the airport since my bags will be  packed and ready to go to Spain! If you have any questions on what you still need to hand in please contact me through phone or email. Also, don't forget to make any updates needed to the health form.

Thanks, Kathy

Important Email

Please check your email for a very important message and attachment of the Phone Tree.  If there are any errors on the Phone Tree, let Jean Harrison know as soon as possible. (

If you have not yet responded to Juli Olson re: the Bon Voyage Party, please do so as soon as possible and copy me on your response.  (

Thank you!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Bon Voyage Party, Sunday, June 22nd

Hello everyone. . .just one last gathering to go before departing on the 29th! We will gather on Sunday, June 22nd from 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. for our Bon Voyage Party! Sorry for this short notice, but it is very urgent that you reply, as soon as possible, to Juli Olson ( Please let Juli know how many people from your family will be attending, and what you will be bringing.

A current list of items can be seen here.

More information:

SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 3-5:30pm. 
4017 East Brigham Rd.
Blue Mounds, WI 53517 
Lisa Straubhaar's Cell (608)575-9625

Please RSVP to Juli Olson at by Tuesday, June 17 with what you will be bringing and how many are planning to come.

Make sure to bring your PACKED SUITCASE. Kathy will be doing something with them to make sure everyone has what they need, and will be there to answer any final questions.

Lisa says the pool may be open by next Sunday, so make sure to bring your suits! 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Bon Voyage picnic

Sunday,  June 22, 2014
3-5:30 pm
4017 East Bingham Rd.
Blue Mounds, Wi 53517
Lisa's phone 608-575-9625
Students please bring your packed suitcase and backpack
Parents please bring your dish to pass,  $5 for delegation manager gift and cards

Best smartphone apps for travel

If you are bringing along a smartphone, or a tablet computer, there are many applications which can help you capture your memories or stay in touch back home.  Please remember to talk to your wireless provider to arrange for any necessary calling/texting/data plans while in Europe and thoroughly understand what charges you will incur.  Even with an international calling plan, you may still end up paying as much as $1 per minute for phone calls home.  Sending and receiving text messages could be 50¢ per message and your phone is constantly downloading data, even while in your pocket.  If you do not turn off your data roaming feature, you will run up a very, very large bill.  Speak with a customer service representative for your company to understand what you need to do.

Also. . .do NOT forget to notify your bank that you will be using your credit/debit card out of the country.  Let them know specific dates and countries so that they do not shut down your account for suspicious activity.

Skype is one of the best smartphone apps to download for your smartphone or tablet. Only $5 to $10 will cover you for phone calls home, usually at 2¢ per minute, when you are able to connect to a wi-fi network (at your hotels, for instance).

Here are some other suggested apps for the traveler's smartphone.

Please remember that this is the adventure of a lifetime and you should not spend this adventure texting friends back home or engrossed in a video game on your smartphone. Friends and games will be there when you get back. You may never come this way again. . .make the MOST of this opportunity, always.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Assignments and Quizzes

Time is winding down!  If you have any assignments to turn in, you may send them to Kathy at  Do not forget to complete your online quizzes (there are 6 of them) as well!  If you have questions, please get in touch:

Kathy -
Carolyn -
Charlie -

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

New Leader and Delegate!

Please welcome Delegate Azalea Roberts (Tomah, WI) and Leader Tania Gomez Anderson (Sparta, WI).  They have been blended to our Madison, WI, group and will be traveling with you!  In addition to Kathy, Tania will be a 2nd Leader departing from the airport here in Madison and you will meet up with the California delegations in Atlanta on the afternoon of the 29th.  Together, everyone will fly on to Europe for the 3 week adventure.  You should be able to locate Azalea's contact information via OnBoard and we hope that our Ambassadors will reach out to her and welcome her with open arms.  Introduce yourselves and make a new friend. . .thank you!

Make sure you have comfy shoes!!!

More on travel photography!

I'm providing a link to a short PowerPoint presentation that I have used when speaking to photography clubs.  It highlights some of the things that I have found helpful and important while traveling the world.  

Hopefully you'll get some ideas of how you can take more interesting photos on your adventure.

(If you download the PPT, then you can see the notes that I added with specific slides to further explain what is seen in the slide.  I think this would be helpful.  The notes are not visible when you simply view the PPT by clicking on the link. Please do not pass this PPT on to other parties, thanks.)



Don't just take pictures...

...take MEMORIES!  Evolve beyond the standard snapshot during your travels.  Here is an interesting article, linked to an article about a National Geographic photographer documenting his travels with a smartphone.  Get to know the photographic capabilities of your smartphone, if you intend to use one.  Touch the screen in light or dark areas to adjust your light metering.  Understand the rule-of-thirds for better photo composition.  See the video at this link and click on the highlighted text in the article for more information.

Click on the image for more. . .