Sunday, June 15, 2014

Bon Voyage Party, Sunday, June 22nd

Hello everyone. . .just one last gathering to go before departing on the 29th! We will gather on Sunday, June 22nd from 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. for our Bon Voyage Party! Sorry for this short notice, but it is very urgent that you reply, as soon as possible, to Juli Olson ( Please let Juli know how many people from your family will be attending, and what you will be bringing.

A current list of items can be seen here.

More information:

SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 3-5:30pm. 
4017 East Brigham Rd.
Blue Mounds, WI 53517 
Lisa Straubhaar's Cell (608)575-9625

Please RSVP to Juli Olson at by Tuesday, June 17 with what you will be bringing and how many are planning to come.

Make sure to bring your PACKED SUITCASE. Kathy will be doing something with them to make sure everyone has what they need, and will be there to answer any final questions.

Lisa says the pool may be open by next Sunday, so make sure to bring your suits! 

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