Thursday, June 12, 2014

Best smartphone apps for travel

If you are bringing along a smartphone, or a tablet computer, there are many applications which can help you capture your memories or stay in touch back home.  Please remember to talk to your wireless provider to arrange for any necessary calling/texting/data plans while in Europe and thoroughly understand what charges you will incur.  Even with an international calling plan, you may still end up paying as much as $1 per minute for phone calls home.  Sending and receiving text messages could be 50¢ per message and your phone is constantly downloading data, even while in your pocket.  If you do not turn off your data roaming feature, you will run up a very, very large bill.  Speak with a customer service representative for your company to understand what you need to do.

Also. . .do NOT forget to notify your bank that you will be using your credit/debit card out of the country.  Let them know specific dates and countries so that they do not shut down your account for suspicious activity.

Skype is one of the best smartphone apps to download for your smartphone or tablet. Only $5 to $10 will cover you for phone calls home, usually at 2¢ per minute, when you are able to connect to a wi-fi network (at your hotels, for instance).

Here are some other suggested apps for the traveler's smartphone.

Please remember that this is the adventure of a lifetime and you should not spend this adventure texting friends back home or engrossed in a video game on your smartphone. Friends and games will be there when you get back. You may never come this way again. . .make the MOST of this opportunity, always.

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