Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 10 - Monaco Agenda

P2P Day 10 - Monaco Enjoy a guided orientation of Monaco, famous for its royal family, the Grimaldis, and its Grand Prix racetrack. Did you know that Monaco occupies an area smaller than that of New York's Central Park? Enjoy a city walk with your Delegation Manager through Eze, a favorite retreat of the famous philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Attend an educational meeting at the L'Usine Laboratoire of Fragonard. Learn more about the production of "parfum". A challenge is waiting for you: find out if you can smell and identify the different essences! Meet your home stay family...During the upcoming days, you will experience the real Italian way of life with them! Nights for July 11-13 with Homestay Families in La Spezia, Italy.

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