Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July from Perpignan, France!

Sadly, we did leave Spain this morning  - but happily, we arrived in France. After traveling for a few hours through some beautiful countryside, we arrived at our destination Tautavel. This is the very, very old archeological dig site. I think they said about 400,000 years old and they have been excavating for 50 years. Only a small portion is revealed, so this is a very long project. The climb to the site was a bit daunting. Many of us made it, not only to see the cave, but also the amazing view below and only imagine what it looked like when the cave was home to some of the first humans.After exploring the cave a lot of the students swam in the small lake below. A very refreshing way to spend the 4th of July a long way from home.

I think I can report that all of the students have made some great new friends and seen some amazing things already. The leaders can hardly remember who is from Wisconsin and who is from California! On to Avignon!

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